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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Stage 5: The Rise of China

The artwork of Maoist China is particularly ripe for historical analysis.
Students can use visual literacy skills from English to identify the purpose of the text.
Isn't History an amazing subject? I'm so glad you agree. Below you'll find a complete unit on The Rise of China for Stage 5 History, which includes a rationale, outline, scope and sequence, assessment task, and associated resources/lessons. The idea behind this half-term unit is to build literacy skills in tandem with source analysis, with an emphasis on helping those students who dislike or have trouble with reading.

The Rise of China - full unit here.

Most of the texts in the above unit are included only in small part, or in the case of Mao's Little Red Book, aren't really covered by copyright. I recommend you try to seek out each of these texts anyway, some are out of print but can be gotten from places like Bookdepository.com or abebooks.com. A class set of Little White Duck in particular would be invaluable.

For more information on the lessons in the above unit, feel free to peruse the following pages:

Lesson Planning
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7

Have a nice day!


  1. hi, is this for the hsc syllabus? nice notes!

  2. No, this was written and posted before the new Modern History syllabus. However, I do also have some resources for the new syllabus here - http://lukebartolo.blogspot.com/2017/07/change-in-modern-world-china.html
